The controversy is whether this ruined the Groupon name or if it is actually helping them generate sales. In my personal opinion, people are very clearly talking about this controversy, which will lead them to the companies website. I believe they have a mission accomplished: people know about them now. Whether it is a good advertisement or a negative one, they were able to generate commotion. What do you think? After watching the three commercials below, do you think they crossed the line? Or were they creative with their mockery?
I completely agree with Abby; the Groupon commercials during the Superbowl were offensive and harsh. I remember seeing these particular commercials during the Superbowl and being confused; but after I re watched them on A
bby's blog, they made me upset. All three of the commercials show famous people talking about troubling things going on in our world today. Then in the next scene they are shown having a lavish meal or spa day and saying how they are "helping" the at-hand situation. I think this is completely insensitive for Groupon to do. This is NOT the way to market your product or service. In my opinion, these commercials show just how arrogant and ignorant people can be. Groupon sure got attention from these ads but not in a positive way.

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